WIN an iPad – sign up for Unsubscriber for Gmail

Unsubscriber for Gmail is the simplest way to stop emails you don’t want. I’ve been using it for a couple weeks now and it’s SO easy!  We all get unsolicited email and it’s so time consuming to go through each one and “unsubscribe” so we continue to get them and delete them and get them and delete them.  But now with Unsubscriber for Gmail, instead of checking the box and clicking “delete”, you check the box and click your “unsubscribe” folder.  It takes the same amount of time as deleting the email but once it’s in your unsubscribe folder, Unsubscriber for Gmail handles the rest!  And you’ll never have to do it again because Unsubscriber for Gmail will STOP the emails from that address.

Same for the 47 Great Recipes a month or Daily Dog Facts newsletters you signed up for.  Seemed like a good idea at the time but you never read them.  So quit “deleting” and with the same push of a button, let Unsubscriber for Gmail for STOP those emails!

And if you sign up now for Unsubscriber’s FREE service you’ll be entered to WIN an iPad!  What could be cooler than that?  An awesome FREE service AND a chance to win an iPad!