Download FREE Android App and Get $1 MP3 Credit at Amazon!

Amazon has the Android puzzle game Dumb or Smart – The Test or other select apps for FREE today.  When you download one of the free apps you will receive a free $1 MP3 credit to your Amazon account!   Most songs are just $0.99 so that’s a FREE song!

You can also download the Pandora Free Internet Radio App for FREE and get your credit.  (I’m listening to Pandora right now!)

Or download Scramble with Friends free version and get your credit.  Scramble is my favorite game!

Don’t forget to also snag your $2 Amazon MP3 credit before the end of the day on June 23 if you haven’t already!

Shop Amazon MP3s now.

Read more: FREEbies / Amazon deals / check out the homepage for the latest deals