Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stay-at Home-Moms book review and giveaway (7/10)

This book couldn’t have landed on my doorstep at a better time.  This summer, I am a Stay-at-Home mom.  This is the first summer since I started working as a teenager, that I have not worked.  And the reason I chose not to work (outside the home at least) was to spend more time with my son.  It has definitely been a change, but not one I’ve regretted at all.  And I cherish every moment because I know it will come to an end in September.

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stay-at-Home Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families is a great encouragement to mothers, a great giggle (like The Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments in Motherhood), a great confirmation of lessons I’m learning (like Mommies Need Playdates Too – something I just recently came to realize after a breakdown last week) and it’s a great reminder that we are Super Mom by just being “mom” to the best of our abilities.

Would you like to WIN a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stay-at-Home Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families?

“Like” Saving Toward A Better Life on Facebook.  Leave a comment below with your Facebook name after you have liked.

Bonus Entry:  Comment or “like” any TWO posts on the Facebook page.  Leave a second comment below after you’ve completed bonus entry.

Additional Bonus Entries:  Enter an other current Chicken Soup for the Soul giveaway.

The publishers of Chicken Soup for the Soul: Stay-at-Home Moms: 101 Inspirational Stories for Mothers about Hard Work and Happy Families are giving me THREE copies of the book to giveaway.  Giveaway will end 7/10/12 at 11:59pm cst.

Good luck!