Beautiful Books Review: Hello Night/Hola Noche

Looking for the perfect book for a child? Check out this recommendation from Beautiful Books for Children!

Hello Night/Hola Noche (Multilingual Edition) – by Amy Costales

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It is no easy task to make a book that rhymes beautifully in two different languages, but this book manages to do it! Not only that, but it is one of the sweetest and most vibrantly illustrated bedtime stories I have ever read. Each part of the book follows a child and mother as they take an evening stroll and get ready for bed. The text on each page is in both English and Spanish. Whether you are a bilingual family, or just want to expose your children to the sounds of another language, you should get this book to add to your nighttime repertoire. Read the full book review including activities to do together after reading this book.


Rivka Kawano is mom to three boys and an avid reader who loves finding beautiful books to share with her kids. You can read all of her book reviews and suggestions at: