Spring Cleaning – Washing your Resuable Bags

Do you use reusable bags?  Do you use them over and over again?  What do you carry in them?  Produce?  Meat?  Have you ever thought about the germs?

Even if you don’t carry produce and meat from the grocery store in them, if you use them over and over again to carry products from the shelves that have been handled by dozens of people before you ever got to them.

So be sure to add washing your reusable cloth and canvas bags to your list of spring cleaning things to do!

I tossed all mine in with a load of towels.  If any of your bags have the plastic piece in the bottom, it can be removed and cleaned with a cleaning wipe or soap and water.  And the bags tossed in the washer and dryer just like you would do anything else.

Now they are clean and ready to go.  I would also recommend adding this to your regular list of things to do and not just your once a year spring cleaning list.  ;)

Find more spring cleaning tips and ideas!