Spring is kind of like Christmas, there are more crafts you can do that you can shake a stick at. Bug and I spent a nice afternoon outside making caterpillars! The nice things about these crafts is that you probably already have everything you need on hand to make at least one of them!
Popsicle Stick Caterpillar
- Jumbo Popsicle stick
- Colored Cotton Balls
- Green Pipe Cleaner
- Googly Eyes
- Glue
This one is actually pretty simple. We made one last year when Bug was just two because it’s simple and not messy. :)
Just apply glue down one side of the popsicle stick and let your child stick on colored cotton balls. Add googly eyes and antennae.
Fingerprint Caterpillars
These were fun because Mommy got her hands a little messy too (the big fingerprint caterpillar is mine.) We stuck the tips of our index fingers in green paint and pressed them on the paper to make caterpillars. After they were dry I drew on the eyes, legs and antennae with a sharpie.
This one is my favorite. This is the one that I do with my preschool class every year.
- cardboard egg carton (MUST be cardboard if you’re going to paint it!)
- green paint and paint brushes
- googly eyes
- green pipe cleaner
- glue
- scissors
Cut out a three cup section of the egg carton. Cut it down the middle of the “dividers” between the cups. Before you paint the caterpillar, pick which end will be the head and poke two holes in the bottom of the cup. This makes it easier to insert the pipe cleaner for antennae.
Paint the egg carton sections green.
No mess Less mess tip: Clip a clothespin to one end of the egg carton section so your child can hold it by the clothespin while they are painting it.
After it dries, take a small section of green pipe cleaner and bend in a “U” shape and insert through the two holes from the underside. Then bend ends down to make the antennae curve. Glue on googly eyes.
Next week, I’ll show you how to morph the egg carton caterpillar into a butterfly!
Make sure you have a copy of The Very Hungry Catepillar by Eric Carle to read while you’re waiting for your caterpillar to dry!
More Very Hungry Caterpillar fun:
My Own Very Hungry Caterpillar Colouring Book (The Very Hungry Caterpillar)
Kids Preferred The World of Eric Carle Very Hungry Caterpillar Bean Bag Toy
The Very Hungry Caterpillar Wooden Pull Toy
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