Monday’s Money Saving Recipe – Quesadillas, 3 Variations!

Chicken quesadillas are a favorite in our house and the basics of them are super simple!

They require chicken, shredded cheese (chedder or colby/jack) and flour tortillas.

Cook your chicken (I usually use the boneless skinless tenders that come in a bag from the freezer case) and shred it.  (You can also used canned chicken in a pinch!)

Optional (but yummy!)  ingredients chopped onions and bell pepper. The last time I made them I heated some precooked bacon slices and crumbled it and added it.  Hubs agreed, bacon makes them better!

Spray a cookie sheet with cooking spray and lay out your tortillas.  Add the shredded chicken, cheese and chopped veggies.  You can fill one side and fold tortillas over or fill the entire tortilla and then lay another tortilla on top.   Bake in a preheated oven at 350-400 degrees for 3-5 minutes.  350 will heat them, 400 will get the tortillas just a little crispy on the edges.

After you take them out of the oven you can top with lettuce, sour cream, tomatoes, and/or salsa.  Though most of the time, we just like them as is straight from the oven!

More Quesadilla Variations:

  • We’ve done refried beans and cheese – those are Bug’s favorite!
  • We have this rice we like, Mahatma Yellow Rice with Saffron Seasonings.  I mixed the cooked rice, canned corn and shredded cheese and spread it on the tortillas.  (pictured) It was pretty good.  Hubs like it too.  He suggested black beans.  Truth is, I thought of that too but didn’t have any.  I let Hubs have this one though, “Yes, honey, that’s a great idea.  Next time I’ll make it with black beans.”