Money-saving Tip: Borrow movies for FREE from your Local Library!

When it comes to saving money, no amount is too small. When you find a money saving tip that works for you, run with it! All those little savings add up.

Today’s tip is to borrow movies from your local library!

That’s right, if you have a library card, that means you can check out movies at the library for free!  our library lets you keep DVDs out for a week and their late fees are low compared to Blockbuster or Redbox.  So if you have a habit of being late, this is your solution!

Bug loves picking out a movie when we go to library.  Ours has a nice selection of Thomas, Handy Manny, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Bob the Builder.  And I like getting a movie every now and then too!  For FREE!  And what’s even great, when I pick a movie I end up not liking, it doesn’t bother me because I didn’t have to pay for it!  (Which is my biggest complaint about renting movies – if I don’t like it, I feel like I’ve wasted my money!

So consider the library for the next family movie night!

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