Walgreens Scenarios wk of 2/26

Check out Getting Started at Walgreens if you’ve never shopped there before.

Here are some scenarios to help your roll your RR, keeping your OOP low and your RR high.  Scenario totals do not include tax.

Transaction #1:

Buy (1) Renew Life Ultimate Flora Daily Care 30ct = $10.00
Use (1) $3/1 Renew Life Ultimate Flora printable
Pay $7.00 and get $10 RR back

Transaction #2:

Buy (1) Super Poligrip .75oz = $1.99
Buy (1) Burt’s Bees cough drops = $1.99
Buy (1) Nivea lip Care = $2.99
Buy (1) Natrol Melatonin 5mg tablet 100 ct $4.00
Buy (1) Tuf Paper Towels (or other small filler) = $.69 w/in ad coupon
Use (1) $1/1 Nivea Lip Care printable
Use $10 RR from before
Pay $.66 OOP and get $10 RR back (Three $2 and a $4)


Transaction #3:

Buy (4) Speed Stick or Lady Speed Stick (2.3-3.25oz) @ 2/$5.00 = $10.00
Buy (4) Tuf Paper Towels (or other small fillers) @ $.69 w/in ad coupon = $2.76
Use (2) $1/2 Speedstick from 1/15 SS (exp 2/29)Use $10 in RRs before
Pay $.76 OOP and get (2) $2.00 RR back
And submit the SpeedStick for the $5 wyb $10 Colgate/Palmolive rebate to get $5 back!

Transaction #3:

Buy (1) W 5 Blade Razor = $3.99

Buy (1) Tuf Paper Towels (or other small filler) = $.69 w/in ad coupon
Use $4 in RRs from before
=Pay $.68 and get $3.00 RR back

At this point your total OOP is $9.10 but you also have $5 coming back from the rebate.  If you wanted to spend up all your RR and convert more into cash, then do this:

Transaction #4:

Buy (1) Baby Magic Dustless Baby Powder (0.28oz) $6.00

Use $3.00 in RR from before
Pay $3 OOP and submit for $6.00 Rebate

This brings your final OOP to $12.10 with no RR leftover but you will be getting $11.00 in rebates back!  Which makes this only $1.10 for 17 items!