Operation Christmas Child 2012!

I started getting ready for OCC 2012 before 2011 was even over!  I found a ton of great stuff in the dollar bins at Michael’s before Christmas and I had a 25% off coupon for my entire purchase which made everything $0.75!

I paid $6.00 for everything here, which I admit, if I’m trying to do 6 boxes for $60 it was a bit much – so I’ll just have to be creative the rest of the year!  The boxed puzzles for $0.75 were a bargain because $1 at the Dollar Tree is the cheapest I’ve ever gotten any like that before.

And I had lots of free toothpastes, toothbrushes and some other stuff from my drug store shopping (mostly on Black Friday) that I forgot to take a picture of before I tossed it all in my box.  But it was all free so I’m just at $6 spent so far.  AND I’ve already packed a box for a 5-9 year old boy!  It’s lacking one, maybe two items. I’ll update you with a picture of it and my box I keep everything stored in as I collect it soon!

What is Operation Christmas Child?  It’s a charity you can coupon towards!  Read about how you can help here.

Check out the boxes I packed for OCC 2011 and find out where they ended up!