Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness book giveaway!

Chicken Soup for Soul has put out a sequel to their Think Positive book: Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness: 101 Inspirational Stories about Finding Your Purpose, Passion, and Joy

Book Description from Amazon:

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Find Your Happiness will encourage readers to pursue their dreams, find their passion and seek joy in their life with its 101 personal and inspiring stories. This book continues Chicken Soup for the Soul’s focus on inspiration and hope, reminding us that we all can find our own happiness.

I have one of these new books to giveaway! If you’d like to WIN a copy enter this giveaway!
To enter to win:

  • Leave a comment telling me one thing that makes you happy!

Bonus entries (optional – may complete one or more after first comment is left):

Your comment IS your entry so be sure to leave separate comments for every entry you complete. Giveaway ends 2/10/12 at 10pm CST.