My Operation Christmas Child gifts ended up in Uganda!

I did the online donation for the shipping costs of my Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year.  The reason why I did it that way was so I could print out the label with a tracking barcode on it that would update me as to where my boxes ended up.

I got an email Saturday notifying me that my boxes, the ones that I spent 7 months gathering things for, had ended up in Uganda!

Wow.  To know that six children in Uganda are going to school with the new school supplies I placed in their boxes and coming home and playing with the toys I placed in their boxes and using the necessities (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap) that I placed in their boxes, is a tad bit overwhelming.

I browsed the Uganda page at the OCC site to see if I saw any of my boxes in the pictures.  Of course, I didn’t, but I figured, someone’s boxes had to be in the pictures, they could’ve been mine.  But although I’ll never see the children that received my boxes, I know that their lives have been truly changed.  It’s a big reward for the measly $60 I spent.

I hope you’ll consider participating in Operation Christmas Child next year and follow me as I update you all year long on how I’m collecting for OCC on a budget!  I did it this past year for $10/box (shipping included!)