Getting ready for next year’s Operation Christmas Child!

It may just be Christmas 2011 right now, but I’ve already started on my Operation Christmas Child boxes for Christmas 2012!

Here are things that I purchased this year that I didn’t use.  So I’m starting out with all this stuff but my beginning amount spent is $0 because all this was counted in the amount spent on last year’s boxes.  So I would say that I’m off to a good start, right?

My plan is to do 6 boxes again with the hopes that maybe I can do more.  We’ll just see how much stuff I end up with!  Remember, the goal is $10 per box with $7 of that being shipping.  So I can only actually spend $3 on everything that goes in the box.  Really have to flex those frugal muscles!!!

I also cleaned out (it’s amazing what you can find when you clean out) and added these items to my stash:

  Most of the items are party favor trinkets from goodie bags (I usually confiscate these before Bug sees them ;] ).  There’s also a book I bought him at the dollar store that I forgot to give to him, so he’ll never miss it.  An unused notepad that I have no idea where it came from (told you I was cleaning out!) and some coloring books from our class trip to the pumpkin patch.  They gave me waaaaay more than I need for my class.  So I decided to use the extras for OCC.

What is Operation Christmas Child?  It’s a charity you can coupon towards!  Read about how you can help here.

Check out the boxes I packed for OCC 2011 and find out where they ended up!