Simply your meal planning and grocery list with Food on the Table!

With Food on the Table’s easy meal planning service, you will be able to find thousands of easy, healthy recipes, save money by knowing the items that are on sale and simplify your shopping experience with a well organized grocery list.

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I signed up last night and poked around a little bit. It’s defnitely a neat service! I’m not sure that I’ll use it to make my entire grocery list from (because it only takes into account sales and not coupons). But by selecting the stores that I shop and it gave me a list of meats on sale and then recipe ideas for those meats. And a lot of them required extra ingredients that I already have on hand in my stockpile! So it’s definitely a resource for NEW meal ideas if you need to add some variety to what you serve at dinner!

I would encourage you to check out Food on the Table. It’s absoultely FREE. So why not at least sign up and poke around and see what you think?