Monday’s Money Saving Recipe: Black Bean Burgers

I was browsing through recipes looking for one I haven’t made in a while and came across this Black Bean Burger recipe.  I remembered how delicious these were so I have put it on my list of things to make soon!

2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 stalk celery, chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1 15oz can black beans, drained & rinsed
1 large egg lightly beaten
1 tbsp cumin
1/2 cup plain bread crumbs
salt and pepper

preheat over to 375 degrees. line a baking sheet with foil and grease lightly.

warm oil in large skillet. add celery & onion and saute 3-5 min. add garlic and saute 1 min more.

pour beans in large bowl and mash. scrape veggies into bowl. stir in egg, cumin, & bread crumbs. season w/salt & pepper.

form into 4 patties and place on baking sheet. bake until firm and set – about 10 minutes on each side.

serve on buns w/lettuce, tomato and onion if desired.

And here’s what I do different (because I’m like my mother and can’t follow a recipe b/c I think I can make it better! LOL!)

I used more celery (2 stalks) and less onion (just half of one). I always use less onion than a recipe calls for. I used more celery because I have to buy a whole bag. I don’t use celery often, so I use extra just because I have it to use.

I make my own breadcrumbs (saved money!) and used about 3/4 cups.

I toast the buns. Hubs likes to top his burger with salsa. I top mine with avocado slices (YUM!)

I figured up that these cost me about 60c/serving!