Toddler Talk Thursday – Toddler’s Favorite Book #letstalktoddlers

I haven’t participated in a Toddler Talk Thursday in a while.  I figure I needed to go ahead and do another one since next  Thursday I will no longer officially have a toddler because will be turning THREE that day!  (And forgive me for being a day late, I do realize it’s actually Friday.)

This weeks toddler topic is your toddler’s favorite book.  I am so happy that Bug LOVES books.  We have started visiting the library once a week and it’s a lot of fun.  His favorite book right now is the Cars book he checked out last week.  About our second trip there he asked (told) the librarian, “I need Lightning McQueen book.”  Well, they were all check out.  And the next week, “I need Lightning McQueen book.”  Checked back out.  Next week, “I need Lightning McQueen book.”  (I let him ask each week because I loved to hear him say it.)  Still not back.  Then finally, last week, one of them was in and he’s so happy.  LOL

He also likes anything with a train or a firetruck in it.

Grumpy Gloria was a 50c yard sale purchase and has become a WELL loved bedtime story.  (So much so that I can read it with my eyes closed.)  Duck at the Door is another one we enjoy reading.  And we LOVE The Pout-Pout Fish and just recently got the followup, The Pout-Pout Fish in the Big-Big Dark.  Which really put a squelch on Bug’s budding apprehension of the dark and as he said, “Dat big dinosaur in my closet.”

So, that question is impossible to answer just in one quick statement because books are SO loved in our house, we would never be able to pick just one!


Check out Toddler Talk Thursday for more posts or comment below and lets talk toddlers!

Since next Thursday is Bug’s birthday, I’d love for the topic to be “How to handle when your toddler is no longer a toddler.”  LOL  :)