Beautiful Books Review: Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake

Looking for the perfect book(s) for children for Christmas? Every Sunday, we will be featuring a book that received 5 stars at Beautiful Books for Children. Hopefully these reviews from a fellow mom will help you pick the right books for your children!

This week’s book is:


In a culture that teaches our children primarily about grabbing for themselves as much as possible, “Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake” was a refreshing change. Not only does the little mouse share his cupcake, but when there is a small piece left for himself, he sees it as the perfect size for him, rather than moaning about how much is gone. Every child loves cupcakes, and ever parent will love reading their child a book that reinforces important values and is fun too.

Read the full book review including activities to do together after reading the book.

Rivka Kawano is mom to three boys and an avid reader who loves finding beautiful books to share with her kids. You can read all of her book reviews and suggestions at: