Chicken Soup for the Soul – Just for Teenagers: review and giveaway!

   While I think most  of the things about being a teenager are the same now as they were when I was a teenager, it’s still a different world that teens are growing up in today.  (And it hasn’t been that long since I was a teenager.)  Teen’s today deal with some serious stuff – school can sometimes feel like a battlefield.

How kids handle the big things that come their way stems from they way they are taught to handle the little things. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Teenagers is aimed at teens to give them support, encouragment and inspiration to handle the big or small.ok

Teenage years are tough, but this book will help teens as they journey through the ups and downs of adolescence. The stories in this book serve as a guide on topics from the daily pressures of life and school to love, friendships, parents, and much more. This collection will encourage, inspire, and amuse teens, showing that, as tough as things can get, they are not alone!

While I don’t think a book is a substitute for parental guidance, the stories in this book can encourage your child to speak up about issues that they are facing at school.

If you have a teen, I would recommend checking this book out!  And you can start by entering to WIN a copy right here!

To enter: leave a comment telling me a memory you have from your teen years!

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Please leave a seperate comment for each entry you do, otherwise you will not get credit for your additional entries!

Giveaway ends 9/20/11 at 10pm cst.  US entries only.

I was provided with a copy of this book for review.  I received no monetary compensation for this post.  All views expressed are my own.  (And I really did get lost trying to find the library in the 8th grade!)