Chicken Soup for the Soul – Just for Preteens review and giveaway!

Here is another giveaway in the August Back-to-School Giveaway Bash!

  I remember being 12.  I had just moved schools for the second time in a year.  I was a bit shy.  I had skipped a grade in elementary school which made me younger than my peers, and that was awkward in Jr. High (yes, at 12).  And life just seemed tough.  (Oh, if only now the most difficult thing I had to deal with was getting lost on the way to the library!!!)

Do you know a preteen?  Do you have a preteen?  If so, you should consider getting them Chicken Soup for the Soul – Just for Preteens.  It’s full of stories of encouragement, support, inspiration and a whole lotta “been there, done that” from other kids.  If anything, it will help your preteen learn that the world will not end and they will not surely die if they get lost trying to find the library in a new school!

I recommend story #79 – My Daughter the Cat to help your preteen understand why they think the world will end and they will surely die if something seemingly insignificant happens to them.  :)

Chicken Soup for the Soul has generously offered to give away a copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul – Just for Preteens to one of my readers!

To enter: leave a comment telling me something you remember about being 12!

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Please leave a seperate comment for each entry you do, otherwise you will not get credit for your additional entries!

Giveaway ends 9/10/11 at 10pm cst.  US entries only.

I was provided with a copy of this book for review.  I received no monetary compensation for this post.  All views expressed are my own.  (And I really did get lost trying to find the library in the 8th grade!)