Tuesday’s Treat – Build a Rocket!

Each week Momondealz brings you a craft that is fun, educational, and frugal. For the remainder of July and August, I be concentrating on preschool and kindergarten skills.  This week marks the anniversary of the day that man first walked on the moon (July 20th is Moon Day) so I thought making a rocket ship sounded like a great idea!


Paper Towel Roll

Red Construction Paper

Aluminum Foil

Tape and Scissors



1.  The adult should cut 4 slits in one end of the paper towel roll.  Space them evenly around the roll and make each slit about 2 inches.

2.  Cut out 2 large red triangles from the construction paper (about 5 inches tall).   Cut a slit into the top of trianble and the bottom of the other (about 2 inches long).

3.  Insert the triangles into each other and then put them into the slits on the paper towel roll.

4.  Cover the paper towel roll with aluminum foil.

5.  Using a cup, trace a circle on the red construction paper. Then cut a line to the center of the circle.

6.  Fold the paper circle until it becomes a cone shape and tape together.  Then tape it to the top of the rocket.

7.  “Fly the rocket to the moon!” (Those are Will’s directions!)

Educational activities:

1.  Language Arts:  Teach your child nursery rhymes that talk about the moon.  (Hey Diddle Diddle, Man in the Moon, I See the Moon, etc).  One of the Virginia Standards of Learning is for children to be able to recite poems and rhymes and to be able to recognize rhyming words.

2. Math:  Discuss the shapes used in this craft. (triangles, circles, rectangle (foil), and cylinder (paper towel roll).  Recognizing shapes is another kindergarten skill.

3.  Science:  Discuss the moon and talk about when you see it (nighttime), where you see it (sky/space), etc.