In a effort to try to cut costs, I decided that I was no longer going to pay a pest company $75 every three months to treat my house for bugs. I went to Wal-Mart and bought Raid Max Bug Barrier
. It’s supposed to be as good as the stuff the professionals use, guaranteed to kill bugs up to 12 months (what?!? I’ve been paying people to do it 4 times a year!) and is easy to use!
So, a couple weeks ago I treated the inside perimeter of the “man cave” which is in the basement (and really the only place we see bugs) and then I sprayed around the doors and windows in the garage. I also sprayed around the doors and windows of the house from the outside and around the edges of the porches.
I have not sprayed anything inside in the “living areas” of the house. I limited the inside spraying to the basement. I’ll see how this goes. Hubs says he’s seen less spiders downstairs. And I’ve noticed a couple dead bugs around the garage doors that must have come across the “poison perimeter” and not made it very far. :)
So far I am pleased and since I barely used anything out of this enormous jug, it will last a while. Should I want to retreat every month, it still might last me a whole year. And since I paid less then $10 for it (I used a coupon too!) I have saved myself over $290! ($75 every 3 months x 4 for a years worth of professional service is $300!)
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