Have you taught your kids a foreign lanugage?

I’ve always wanted to be able to speak another language. Unfortunately in my small town high school, Spanish was my only option and the teacher wasn’t that great. And there was an absolute lack of Spanish tutors in this small town. So needless to say, I’m not fluent in Spanish. In fact, I can barely say anything past “Hello, how are you?” I know a lot of Spanish words but just not how to put them in sentences.

I’ve taught Bug some sign language. He was doing very well around his second birthday. He could sign close to 100 words and put them together in sentences like “more milk please”. But his verbal skills have improved exponentially the last 6 months so we dropped the signing (totally my fault!)

So, I thought since his verbal skills have improved so much, maybe we should start working on a second language. But, I don’t know a second language. Would I do more harm than good “teaching him as I learn”?

Have any homeschooling parents taught a second language to their child that they didn’t know beforehand?

Just trying to get some feedback!

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