Toddler Talk Thursday – Bedtime Routines

”Crazy This week’s Toddler Talk Thursday is about bedtime routines!  I love Bug’s bedtime routine!

My husband works a lot of nights, so a “normal” bedtime routine does not include Daddy.  :(  But I still love the little routine that we have.

We start in the rocking chair and read a story or two (or three…).  I’m such a sucker for an extra story.  We’ll read our Bible story for the night out of his beginner’s Bible (they are very short stories).  Then I’ll ask him to pick a book or two depending on how late it is and we’ll read those.  Then when story time is over, he’ll play the love you big card on me.  “Wanna read Wuv You Biiiig, Mommy!”  He knows he’ll get an extra story out of me if we read his choices first and then begs for I Love You as Big as the World.  I can’t turn that story down!  :)

After stories, it’s prayer time.  I ask who he wants to pray for.  The first five are always in the same order – 2 friends and 3 teachers at school.  The next ones will vary.  Sometimes he asks to pray for grandparents or Daddy (who I always include in the prayers even if Bug doesn’t remember to ask).  Sometimes he asks to pray for some of his other friends or teachers by name.  Sometimes we pray for the monkeys at the zoo and sometimes we pray for his Thomas trains (I don’t ever discourage any of his prayer requests – if he asks for these, I turn them in to things to be thankful for.  We thank God that we had fun seeing the monkeys at the zoo and we thank God for all his Thomas toys.)

After prayers, we do four things (always in the same order – I think my child is OCD)!  Those four things are:
Eskimo Kisses
Butterfly Kisses

The I tell him to “blow his whistle” and he pretends he is a train and we “chug” into bed.  He gets settled and I cover him up with the 3 blankets he always insists on being covered up with (always in the same order !!!).  I tell him “I love you big!” and he says “I wuv ewe biiiiig!”  I’ll turn on his music and close the door.

And that’s bedtime!

I think Toddler Talk Thursday should talk about Toddler Quirks, because it’s obvious my tot has some serious quirks going on with things always having to be in the same order!!  It’s not just at bedtime!

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