Solution for limited kitchen storage? Try a Kitchen Cart!

When we first moved into our house 6 years ago (wow…I can’t believe we’ve been here 6 years!) I knew it was going to be an adjustment from the house I grew up in. My parents built the house I lived in all my unmarried life. And my mom was all about storage. She made sure her kitchen had cabinets. I was so surprised when we were looking for houses to see that kitchen cabinets didn’t go all the way to the ceiling. The ones it my house did! I mean, who wants a foot of space between the top of the cabinet and the ceiling?

So, needless to say I had to accept that fact that in all these cookie cutter houses, I was going to have to adjust to less storage space. (We also have the world’s smallest pantry but that’s another story for another day!) I starting looking into a Portable Kitchen Island. Wow! These things make me drool! I would LOVE to have one. Look at the extra workspace (I have very little counter space!) and all that storage!! However, tiny house = no room for an island.

Another option was a Wooden Microwave Cart which is smaller than an island. This was perfect for our small space. I settled on one that had two hinged flaps on each side that can be locked to increase the surface space on top. This is great for extra serving space when we have guests over for dinner. It also has a drawer and three wire basket drawers. This has worked well for us for several years now. And it’s on wheels, so when we need more floor space we can roll it into another room.