What’s in your mailbox today? And another chance to enter the giveaway!

I had nothing but junk in my mailbox today.  :(((   That makes me sad!

Oh, I did have a free calendar from the county EMA.

I hope your mailbox day was better!

 What did you get in YOUR mailbox?

Today is anotherday of the giveaway!!!  At the end of the week I’m going to pick one winner and fill up their mailbox with coupons and samples!  I may even make it fun and not send it all at one time, it may be a few packages over a week or so!  :)))


  1. Be an e-mail subscriber of the blog.  Leave a comment below with the e-mail address you use in your subscription AND the name you are using for the giveaway – blog name, personal name, nickname, doesn’t matter.  Just use the same one for the duration of the contest.   You only have to leave this comment ONCE.  If you comment on today’s then tomorrow just add your link.
  2. Blog about what you got in your mailbox with a link back to here.  (Picture isn’t necessary in your post, but nice!)
  3. Come back and add the link to your blog post in the linky.  There will be one linky throughout the whole giveaway (Mon 1/31 through Sat 2/5) so list each link as Name – Date.  Blog name, personal name, nickname, etc.  See #1. 
  4. There are a total of 6 entries if you link up every day!  Winner will be picked using Random.org.