12 days of Christmas Traditions – New Pajamas

I told you on the first day about my favorite tradition from my childhood was getting to open one present on Christmas Eve.  This is a tradition my husband and I have continued to do.

But last year, we shook things up a bit and modified our tradition.  We have a child now and it’s time to make new traditions!

Our new tradition is getting NEW PAJAMAS on Christmas Eve!

<— Here’s us in our new pajamas last year (except this picture was taken Christmas morning and I just realized Hubs had on a different shirt…)

I have a new Christmas book for us to read on Christmas eve so I wrapped it with Bug’s pajamas.  I have a feeling that as he gets older he’ll get new pajamas and a small toy on Christmas eve.  :)))  It’s like the best of both traditions!

Feel free to share your favorite traditions with us!


Christmas Pajamas for Kids
Kids Christmas Pajamas
Cadlesticks Pajamas

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