Tuesday’s Treat – Computer Activities for the little ones!

Did you know that FisherPrice.com had online games and activities for even the littlest learners?  From the time Bug was big enough to sit in my lap and make his little hands hit the keys, he has LOVED the Peek-A-Boo Game.  If your little one can hit the keys on the keyboard they can make shapes and characters pop up on the screen and make silly noises or say “peek-a-boo”.  I promise you this will cause some of those sweet baby giggles that Mommy’s can’t get enough of!  And it teaches them cause and effect!

Now that Bug is a bit bigger he likes the Count-The-Score Game.  You choose the sport (hockey, soccer or football) and when your child presses the button the character hits the hockey puck/kicks the soccerball/football and makes a goal.  They hear and see the number 1, the crowd cheers.  Press the button, same result.  They hear and see the number 2, etc. etc.  Bug has learned to press one button, watch the ball being kicked and then when the crowd cheers, he claps!  Then he presses another button, waits and does it all over again!

What fun!

MTV Networks, Inc.

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