Monday’s Money Saving Recipe – Chicken Parmesan

I know, Chicken Parmesan…sounds complicated and expensive.  But it’s not!

I use the boneless skinless chicken breasts that I get BOGO at Winn-Dixie.  The recipe calls for 4.  I usually just use 3 (because that’s how many come in a pack.  If one is really thick, I might slice it in half width-wise).

The other ingredients are:

  • 1 egg
  • bread crumbs (be frugal – make your own!)
  • 26-28 ounces of your favorite spaghetti sauce
  • shredded mozarella cheese  (about 4 ounces – more if you like cheesy stuff!)

Dip chicken in the egg and the coat with breadcrumbs.  Place in a single layer in a 13×9 glass baking dish (I actually use a smaller ceramic casserole dish).  Bake uncovered for 20 minutes.  Pour sauce over chicken, top with cheese and bake another 10 minutes or until no longer pink. 

I made this last week and didn’t have enough bread to make breadcrumbs (I needed what I had for sandwiches until I could get to the store again).  But I had an unopened sleeve of saltine crackers that was probably a little past it’s prime.  So I put them in a baggie and smashed them up.  I used those on the chicken and it was really good!

The recipe calls for Italian seasoned breadcrumbs.  I usually just add some seasonings of my own to the breadcrumbs or the chicken itself and you don’t miss out on anything.