How much would you pay for all this?

I haven’t done a bargain brag quite this big in a long time.  Mainly because it’s very time consuming.  After a big shop like this, I just want to put the groceries up and collapse.  But I thought today was deserving of a big brag!

Have you thought of an amount that you would pay for this?  There also should be a gallon of milk in there.  I forgot to take it out of the fridge.  (Also not pictured because it’s already been consumed is another pack of M&Ms and a coke :] )  And under the yellow pack of Huggies wipes is an 8pk of Juicy Juice.  And behind everything it’s hard to see that there is a box of Luvs, a jumbo pack of Huggies and Pampers and a mega pack of CVS diapers.  Man, this was the week to buy diapers, wasn’t it??

Ok, price?  I’ll start with the price before savings:  $233.22

Now, what I actually paid for everything above (before tax): $101.85.

I’ll save you some math, that’s a savings of $131.37.  More than 55% off! 

I also have $4 to use on future purchases at CVS and Winn-Dixie.  So that essentially makes my total $97.85 with a savings of $135.37.

Here are the Publix deals.  Except that I put the gallon of milk in this picture and it shouldn’t be.  Those are ham steaks lying on top of the milk.

Regular Retail:  $59.28
-$12.46 in sales: $46.82
-$17.31 in COUPONS = $29.51 paid
Total savings of $29.77 (over 50%)

Best deals?  Yoplait Yogurt – 25c/per pack!
                     Bananas – 59c/lb
                     Reynolds wrap 55sq ft – BOGO – $4.43.  Look for $1/1 tearpads. $2.43/2 after tearpad Qs!

Here are the Winn-Dixie deals.  This is where the milk is supposed to be.  :)

Regular Retail: $89.09
-$31.42 Reward Card Savings (sales): $57.67
-$7.75 in COUPONS = $49.92 paid
and catalina for $3 off my next order!
Savings of around 45%

Best deals?  Cereal & Milk Promotion – $8.29 final for 4 cereals and milk
                     Ground Beef – $1.99/lb
                    Seventh Generation toilet paper on clearance for $1.50 (200 sq ft = less than 1c per sq. ft!)

And finally, the Target deals.  What made this so great was the $5/$50 coupon I got in the mail last week.  Did you get one?  Now Target has the most confusing receipts I’ve ever seen when it comes to coupons.  But I think I got the math on this one right.

Regular retail: $63.18
-$7.79 in sales:  $55.39
-$34.84 in COUPONS = $20.55 paid
Savings of over 65%!!

Best Deals?  Eggos – $1.75 each – used $1/2 mfc and $1/2 Target Q – paid $1.50 for BOTH

CVS and Walgreens accounted for less than $4 of my spending today so they are not included.

WHEW!  I’m exhausted!  :]

Link up your best bargain brags below.  (Doesn’t have to be recent.  It can just be your favorite!)  See some of my favorites here.