Monday’s Money Saving Recipe – Easy BBQ Chicken

I forgot to pick out a recipe for today’s post.  So I’ll just tell you what I fixed tonight and how it’s frugal. 

I’m making super simple BBQ Chicken.  Chicken in a baking dish, seasoned with salt and pepper, topped with BBQ sauce and baked on 450 degrees for about 35 minutes or until done.

See, I told you it was easy!  I buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts when they are BOGO at Winn-Dixie.  So my 1 lb of chicken I used tonight cost me around $3. 

Here are my side dishes and how much they cost me (with frugal shopping, of course!):
Beans (50c) and shells and cheese (50c) and half a box of Texas Cheese Toast ($1).

So for about $5 I made dinner for 2 adults and 1 child with enough leftovers for my husband to take his lunch to work tomorrow.