A post for the Moms

I have another blog for friends and family (I don’t post it publicly).  I posted this story the other day and it was just too good (in a terrible sort of way :] ) to not share.

Enjoy my story of trauma while raising a toddler!

My Child the Monster
Subtitled:  The worst 35 minutes I’ve ever spent in Target.
Gavin has picked up a few bad habits since moving into a classroom with older toddlers.  One of those is spitting.  The other is squealing.
We were in Target yesterday afternoon.  Quick trip, just needed to grab a couple things.  Gavin was sitting in the front of the buggy….spitting.  I tried the discreet “No, no.  We don’t spit.”  He kept spitting.  I tried the firm-through-gritted-teeth “Mama, said no. Stop spitting.”  He kept spitting.
I popped his mouth.  He kept spitting.  I kept popping his mouth.  He started covering his mouth with his hand when he would spit so I couldn’t pop his mouth….
I tried ignoring him.  He started squealing. I tried to ignore him.  He kept squealing.  I shot him a “Stop that NOW!” look.  He spit at me.  Then he laughed.
I did not want to be the mother in Target with the uncontrollable toddler.  But I also didn’t want to be the mom on the evening news for being arrested for public child abuse.  
What’s a mother to do??
So I gave him his pacifier.  He shut up.  And we got the heck out of Target.

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