Monday’s Money Saving Recipe – Homemade Garlic Toast

We LOVE Texas Toast and Cole’s Garlic sticks.  But, that stuff gets expensive and takes up a lot of room in the freezer.  :) 

We love homemade toast and it’s so simple but I’m surprised at how many people I know have never tried or thought about trying it!

This is great for those leftover slices of bread that just aren’t fresh enough for a sandwich.  I’ve also used hamburger or hotdog buns that needed to be used before they went bad.  Because, hey, saving money is about not letting anything go to waste, right?

All you do is take your bread, spread butter on the slices (if you use hamburger or hot dog buns, butter the insides).  Place on a cookie sheet butter side up, sprinkle on some garlic salt and broil for about 3 minutes or until the edges are just browned.  (Careful, they will burn fast).

My husband also likes it without the garlic salt.