It’s Shoebox Time! | Operation Christmas Child 2014 National Collection Week 11/17-11/24

It’s time to start packing your boxes for Operation Christmas Child!  If you’re like me, you shop all year long for freebies, great deals, trinkets and what not to use in your boxes.  What you see spread out on my dining room table in the picture above is just a portion of what I collected for last year’s OCC boxes.  (And I’ve done a terrible job of posting about my OCC deals as I found them this past year but I have a whole box in my garage just waiting to be packed!)

Our record  of boxes packed in one year is TEN.   I’m not sure how many we’ll pack this year because I haven’t started sorting yet but I will update you when I do!

Here you can see my descriptions of boxes for different genders/ages that I’ve packed in previous years to get ideas for yours.

2-4 Year Old Girl Box

2-4 Year Old Boy Box

5-9 Year Old Girl Box

5-9 Year Old Boy Box

5-9 Year Old Boy Box

10-14 Year Old Girl Box

10-14 Year Old Girl Box

10-14 year Old Boy Box

If you’re interest in learning more on packing a shoebox, check out the details on the Samaritan’s Purse website here.

National Collection Week 2014 for shoebox gifts is November 17 to 24. We all know these simple gifts provide much more than fleeting moments of joy. With each gift, Operation Christmas Child shares the good news that Jesus loves every child.

If you need to find a drop-off location for your boxes, you can find those here!

And I would totally recommend checking out the “Follow your Box” option so you can see where your boxes end up!   Here are the places my boxes have gone:

  • Uganda (2011)
  • Madagascar (2012)
  • Dominican Republic (2012)
  • Gabon (2013)

Be sure to follow my Operation Christmas Child Pinterest Board for year-round inspiration!