Operation Christmas Child Box Packed: 10 to 14 year old boy

Here is my Operation Christmas Child box for a 10-14 year old boy.

Included in this year’s box is a baseball cap, washcloth, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb and deodorant.  School supplies, including pencils, pen, glue, scissors and a compass.  A coloring book and crayons – I used to not put a coloring book in a 10-14 year old boy box but I decided that it would be a good addition.  Even though here, we’re used to boys growing out of coloring by the time they are 10-14, in a third world county, a coloring book and crayons may be just what a 10-14 year old boy needs.

Also included are some dinosaur fact/trading cards (what boy doesn’t like dinosaurs?), a build your own car kit, a rubber snake, a small drawstring backpack and a whistle.

I will also add a baggie full of candy to this box.

What is Operation Christmas Child?  It’s a charity you can coupon for!  Start saving for next year or build a box this year, you still have time!