Lincoln Logs Redfield Ranch Review and Giveaway

Oh, wow.  How much fun did we have with this?  Bug had gotten his first set of Lincoln Logs this past Christmas (the Fort Hudson Lincoln Logs – a great starter set!) and ever since he’s been BEGGING for more Lincoln Logs so he can build “something really big”.

He was absolutely THRILLED when we got this in the mail!  You know what he was MOST excited about first?  That they Lincoln Logs came in a barrel.  “A barrel like on a pirate ship” were his words.

But once I got everything opened and he saw all there was he was REALLY excited (especially the small toy barrel that comes with the set – I have NO idea what his fascination with barrels is..).  He liked the horse and the cowboy.  And when he figured out that you can sit the cowboy on the back of the horse, that was just icing on the cake!


Build a home on the range!  Lincoln Logs Redfield Ranch includes 124 real wood logs plus colorful figures and other building accessories. Step-by-step instructions for building a ranch complete with a horse and cowboy figure.  Parts come in a newly designed and collectible storage container, so clean-up is quick and easy. Available at Toys R Us

The directions are real straightforward and we had a good time putting the ranch together and playing around with it. But then Daddy got home and down came the ranch, out came the other Lincoln Logs we already owned and they started on something else “really big.” See, Mommy is good at following directions. But Daddy is really good at “free-handing”. So now we have a two-and-a-half-foot long Lincoln Log pirate ship in our living room floor.

The new Lincoln Logs Redfield Ranch will be available exclusively at Target this fall for $39.99.

Do you have a little builder that would love to WIN some Lincoln Logs?

Enter below to WIN!

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Giveaway is sponsored by K’NEX.  I was provided with the Lincoln Logs Redfield Ranch set to review.  No other compensation was received.  All opinions are my own. Giveaway ends at 11:59 pm CST on 8/7/13