Frugal Kid’s Craft – Recycling Crafts

Here’s another great kid’s craft that Momondealz has cooked up for us.  It’s great for teaching little ones that things we generally throw out can be reused to make other things!

Newspaper Art

Cereal Box
Mod Podge

1. Grab those leftover newspapers and allow your child to rip or cut it into pieces.

2. Cover the empty cereal box in Mod Podge.

3. Lay the pieces of torn newspaper to completely cover the Mod Podge. Allow to dry.

4. Paint your child’s hand with paint and have them put their handprints on the box to create tree top.

5. Paint a bottom to your tree and allow your child to fingerpaint leaves.

Since the cereal box acts as like a thick canvas print, we are using ours to cover up the thermostat!

Educational Activities:

If you’ve missed any previous crafts, check out Momondealz’s Kids Frugal Fun page.

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