Happy Birthday, Mom!

Today would’ve been my Mom’s 54th birthday.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
She battled cancer for 26 months.  This is such a tough time of year.  In early 2008, we thought she was better.  We were hopeful that the cancer was gone.  On 2/18, Hubs and I found out our little “Bug” was on the way.  And mom was SO excited.  And there was so much happiness and talk of the future.  And we thought she was okay.  In early March, my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows.  They were originally married in a house with just a few people present.  So for their 25th, Mom and I planned the church wedding she always wanted.  And there was so much love and joy.  And we thought she was okay.  And on March 22nd, we threw Mom a big party for her 50th birthday.  And there was so much celebrating and wishing.  And we thought she was okay.  March 23rd, her birthday) that year was Easter Sunday.  And there was so much rejoicing.  And we thought she was okay.  But she wasn’t okay.  She went back into the hospital that week and was in and out for a month.  And then, she was gone.  And for nearly four years I regret taking for granted the fact, that I thought she was going to be okay.
So hug your mom today.  And moms, hug your babies.  I’m holding mine a little tighter today.

Today, in honor of my mom and her life and her battle, could you take a minute to visit The Breast Cancer Site and click the button. They donate money for every click made to fund mammograms. I get nothing for you clicking the button.