Saturday’s Saving Tip – Valentine’s Day on a Dime!

Valentine’s Day is about romance and love and someone special. But it doesn’t have to be about spending a lot of money!

Here a few tips for making it special while spending next to nothing.

  • Handmade valentine’s cards are always a good choice…and not just handmade by the kids. :) Get creative and make your hunny a handmade card.
  • Create personal, candy wrappers to put around each family members favorite candy bar (think the paper wrapper around a Hershey’s Bar).  A favorite candy bar is a simple, inexpensive but thoughtful gift.
  • “Coupons” are a great gift and not the ones we talk about on the blogs all day. But homemade coupons. These can be of the romantic nature or family-friendly. ;) Coupons for one day with no chores for the kids. One day of uninterrupted football for dad. One day that mom doesn’t have to spend in the kitchen coupons! :) The possibilites are endless…
  • Valentine’s dinners and dates don’t have to be expensive. Popcorn and a movie in your living room can be a suitable date night!
  • Recreate your first date (or your first Valentine’s Day or your proposal) to remind your special someone how the two of your started, how far you’ve come and that you’d do it all over again. :)
  • Write a sincere love note and frame it.
  • Cook dinner together instead of going out. Plan the meal and shop for the ingredients together. Then go home a prepare it together.

What are your best, thrifty, Valentine’s Day ideas?