Final Operation Christmas Child Shoebox purchases!

Here are my last additions:

-Fire Safety Coloring Book and cardboard firetruck that you fold to put together (I requested these for FREE a couple weeks ago and I didn’t even think about OCC when I requested them.  I think I’ve could’ve requested more than one of each.  I will be sure to do that next year!)

And I made one last trip to the Dollar Tree –

– Three pack of kid’s toothbrushes (each toothbrush was packaged individually and you tore the packs apart on the perforations.  Perfect!  AND I only needed 2 toothbrushes so I have one left for next year!

– 2 Bible Story coloring books (ended up only using one so I have one for next year too!)

-Winnie the Pooh chalkboard and chalk  (didn’t fit in the boxes that needed it so saving it for next year also!)

-Cars chalkboard and chalk


-Yo-yo’s 2 pk

Total for Dollar Tree items – $7.70

BUT, I had two packs of birthday invitations from the Dollar Tree that I didn’t use for Bug’s birthday party – SO I swapped them which means I only paid $5.50!

So here was how my total looked after the last purchases:

6 boxes at $10/each goal = $60.00
Take $7/each shipping out -$42.00
Total to spend on items = $18.00
Minus amount spent – $14.28
Total left to spend = $3.72

I had $3.72 left to spend and I spent $5.50.  Which means I packed and shipped 6 boxes for $61.78 – not too far from my goal.  And I have a few things leftover to start next years boxes!

(If you figure in the two things I bought that I didn’t use and take that $2.20 out of the total I actually came in $0.42 under budget.  But then I’d have to add that to next years total so I decided since I’d already paid for them, I would just eat the overage and start with my items and a $0 balance for next years boxes.)

I love couponing to help others!  Read more about Operation Christmas Child!