Celebrate National Auntie Day (7/26) at Auntie Anne’s with a FREE Pretzel!


Ahn-tee versus Ant-tee – what’s the correct pronunciation?  For National Auntie Day (July 26) Auntie Anne’s is settling the debate. The classic pretzel chain surveyed far and wide, and the data shows that more than half of Americans say AHN-TEE! However, Auntie Anne’s reputation precedes punctuation, and even those who call their aunts AHN-TEE do still call the brand ANT-EE Anne’s!

No matter how you pronounce “Auntie” or whether you prefer salty or sweet, you’ll be able to celebrate National Auntie Day by enjoying a free Cinnamon Sugar or Original Pretzel with the purchase of any pretzel item on Friday, July 26th!