La Moderna Stars or Elbow Noodles, Durum Wheat Pasta, 7 Oz bag for FIFTY CENTS!

I don’t know how much this is in the grocery store, but it has been a LONG time since I’ve come across anything with a shelf price of under fifty cents so I’m going to go out on a limb and call this a deal.

La Moderna Stars Noodles, Durum Wheat, 7 Oz bag only $.50 on Amazon!

La Moderna Elbow Noodles, Durum Wheat, 7 Oz bag only $.50 on Amazon!

And it gets better!

La Moderna Shells, Durum Wheat Pasta, 7 Oz bag only $.48 on Amazon!

La Moderna Spaghetti Noodles, Durum Wheat, 7 Oz bag only $.58 on Amazon!

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