Which is why I made this printable outdoor scavenger hunt list!
Sometimes the weather doesn’t cooperate for being outside, so I also made a printable INDOOR scavenger hunt list too!
Download and print your FREE lists and have fun!
They are both in the same file. If you don’t want both, when you print just tell it which page you want to print out.
If you’re able to, head to the zoo and take this zoo scavenger hunt list (preschool-K level) in hand and see how many animals you can spot! Our zoo isn’t open yet so we’re going to have to wait about heading to the zoo!
Here are some more printable scavenger hunts shared by other bloggers:
- Outdoor Scavenger Hunt from Real World Learners
- Underground Scavenger Hunt from Preschool Powol Packets
- Hello Spring Scavenger Hunt from Year Round Homeschooling
- Beach Scavenger Hunt from Year Round Homeschooling
- Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt from Arrows and Applesauce
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