Printable Coupon of the Day: $1 off Sensodyne or Pronamel Toothpaste


Printable Coupon of the Day!

Here’s a coupon you need to print and an explanation why you need to print it (usually in the form of a deal!)

If you have sensitive teeth, you know that your teeth are happier if you’re using a sensitive toothpaste.   It’s harder to save on those so when the coupon for Sensodyne comes out, I’m all over it!


Save $1.00 on ONE (1) SENSODYNE or PRONAMEL product (excludes trial sizes)

You can print the $1.00 off ONE (1) SENSODYNE or PRONAMEL product (excludes trial sizes) coupon TWICE per computer!

This is a great coupon for picking up a couple tubes at Walmart.