National Geographic Kids Book Pack Giveaway (ends 6/21)



Reading is (and has always been) important in our house.  I was very bookish as a child and still love to read even though I don’t have much time for it.

I’m very blessed that at 6 Bug loves to read (and he’s quite good at it) and he loves to be read too.  We still read every night at bedtime.  I never realized that wasn’t normal – my mom read to me every night until I was at least 8.  But I hear from so many other parents that the bedtime reading routine stops before 6 in most homes!

I think our nightly bedtime story (that started when Bug was just an infant – even before he was big enough to know what was going on) is part of the reason why he loves books so much.   I hope you read to your kids every day (it doesn’t have to be at bedtime – that’s just what works for us!)   I’m planning a future post on how to help your kids love reading.  Below, you’ll get a chance to share your ideas with me too.

One of our favorite things about Summer is Summer Reading at the Library!  I hope you’re plugged in to your local library for summer reading.  And also check out these retailers that offer incentives to keep your kids reading over the summer.   One way to keep kids excited about reading is to let them read things that interest them.  My son would be all about these National Geographic books about ocean animals and planets!  Plus, the large color photos make them very intriguing!

And you can enter to win this pack of National Geographic Kids books:

  • Book of Ocean Animals
  • Book of Planets
  • Book of How Things Work
  • Weird by True Fact Pack 2
  • Weird by True Fact Pack 3
  • Weird by True Fact Pack 4

Giveaway is for U.S. Residents only. Ends 6/21. Giveaway prize is sponsored by ME and not National Geographic.