#RealisticResolution Challenge with SparkPeople and Gorton’s + GIVEAWAY


The nice people at Gorton’s and SparkPeople must have been reading my mind when they picked me to participate in the Realistic Resolution Challenge.  They were nice enough to send me every thing I need to kick off better health in 2015!  (Which was what was already on my mind anyway!  Now I have no excuse!)

Plus, they’ve given me one of these awesome prize packs to give to one of YOU!

realisticresolutionBut, you don’t need all that stuff to get started with the Realistic Resolution Challenge and taking control of your health and fitness in 2015!

Gorton’s Seafood has partnered with SparkPeople, the largest online diet and healthy living community, to bring you daily tips, recipes, and inspiration to help you reach your goals. The Gorton’s Realistic Resolution Challenge is packed with great ideas and the motivation you need to make 2015 your best year yet. Learn more about our 30-day challenge and get started today!

Gorton’s Grilled Fillets are low fat, gluten free and 100 calories or less per serving.  Fish and seafood are a natural source of lean protein and critical nutrients including iron, zinc, and vitamins A, B and D.  Plus, the new Grilled Fillets are like every other product in Gorton’s line in that they have no artificial flavors or MSG.

Just keeping Gorton’s products in your freezer is a step towards better health through better eating!  Print a coupon for $.75 off Gorton’s Seafood Grilled Fillets  so you can go buy your Gorton’s!  And after you print your coupon, be sure to enter Gorton’s Eat Smarter Sweepstakes for daily prizes and a grand prize of $5000!

Now for the giveaway!  One lucky winner (U.S. only) will receive (2) full-value product coupons, an insulated tote, the SparkPeople cookbook, the Spark book and the SparkPeople Boot Camp DVD!

Enter using the form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Giveaway ends 1/21/15 at 11:59 pm CST.