Publix: Little Remedies Saline Spray MONEY MAKER

publixlittleremediesIf you missed the Rite Aid money maker on Little Remedies that ends today (or if you’re like me and don’t have a Rite Aid to shop at) here’s another opportunity to get a deal on it at Publix!  This deal is just starting today!

Be sure to grab your Health & Beauty Advantage Flyer (the green one – available at the front of the store) for the $1 off Little Remedies Publix coupon inside.

Little Remedies Saline Spray/Drops 1 oz $2.29
Use $1/1 Publix coupon from the Health & Beauty Advantage Buy Flyer
AND use $2/1 Little Remedies Product printable
 FREE + $.71 money maker!

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Thanks I Heart Publix!