New Disney Goodies at Dollar Tree!
Look no further than your local Dollar Tree for your Disney fix! I was in mine today and there were a TON of new Disney goodies! They had a whole section of Disney Princess and Mickey birthday stuff in the birthday section.
And then an end cap display with notebooks, lanyards, picture frames, color-your-own puzzles, tissue packs, handwipe packs, mini-dry erase boards and more in Jake, Princesses, Minnie, Sofia the First, Monsters U and more!
And don’t forget to browse the toys and crafts sections. I found Disney stickers and stamp sets, figurines, and more. I also found kites (Mickey, Jake and Planes), a Jake glow wand (in the glow stick section) and some puzzles.
I was soooooooo excited to grab some goodies for our upcoming Disney trip!
In the Mickey birthday section I got snack boxes, napkins and straws for our (long) drive down there. Bug’s going to be so excited to eat out of Mickey snack cups and use Mickey Straws.
I also picked up a few fun things to distribute during the trip. A Jake and the Neverland Pirates stamp and sticker set, a Planes dry erase board and marker, some Mickey party favors, Planes stickers and a color-your-own Jake puzzle. I’m going to wrap each item and give one at a time to him every couple hours to keep him entertained on the drive.
I also bought a Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and Donald figurines to put one out each night of our trip so he wakes up to a treat. This should help curb the desire to buy souvenirs during the trip. And I got a Jake notebook to use for an autograph book on our Disney trip!
I also got a Planes picture frame. But that’s for his Planes birthday next month. I looked for a Mickey frame but didn’t see one. Hopefully they’ll get some in soon so I can get a Mickey frame to put one of our vacation pictures in!
One thing I noticed was lacking was Frozen stuff but maybe they’ll catch up soon!
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