On my Reading List: Motherless Mothers – How Losing a Mother Shapes the Parent You Become

I don’t get much time for reading but I saw this book and I knew I had to make time to read it.  If you’ve been a reader of the blog for long, you’ve probably read about my mom.  I lost my mom on April 24, 2008 – just 6 months before my son was born.

Sometimes I wonder if I would be a different parent if my mother were still alive. Would her advice have changed the way I’ve done things? Am I just different because she’s gone?

Sometimes (okay, most of the time) I feel alone. Like I’m the only mother in the world who doesn’t have a mother to ask advice of. I’m excited to read Motherless Mothers: How Losing a Mother Shapes the Parent You Become to remind myself that I’m not alone. And to get other Motherless Mothers perspectives. And to hear how they coped. Especially with milestones. Your children’s milestones are supposed to be joyous! But as a mother, who is the first person you want to call when your baby rolls over or says his first word? Your mother. So every milestone of the last 6 years has been twinged with sadness because it’s just a reminder that she’s not here.

Motherless Mothers: How Losing a Mother Shapes the Parent You Become is available from Amazon for $11.74 in paperback or $10.23 for Kindle.

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