Little Passports Fundraising Options for your Child’s School


Little Passports Fundraising For Your School!

Planning a fundraiser at your child’s school? Little Passports is the perfect partner, with an award-winning educational product that kids and parents love.

Here’s how it works: your community shops at Little Passports and we donate 15% back to your school. They even have a flyer to help you spread the word. Get more information here:


Little Passports takes your children on a journey around the world, all from your own living room! If you haven’t heard of Little Passports, take a minute to learn about their wonderful packages that are delivered to your front door each month and teach your children (and sometimes us parents!) about different places around the world. It is a perfect addition to your homeschooling curriculum or for any parent looking to put a little fun in learning! The best part of Little Passports is all the little goodies that come with your packages each month, like a mini suitcase, passport, stickers and more! The kids love it and so will you when they start spouting out neat facts about countries around the world!

Virtually Travel the World with Little Passports!

Little Passports is every child’s ticket to global adventure! This quickly growing children’s “edutainment” company combines the excitement of postal mail with the accessibility of online games.

Their goal is to inspire global citizenship in children.

Their primary product, a monthly subscription service, features two globetrotting characters, Sam and Sofia, who visit a new country every month and share their experiences with your child. Each month, your child receives a package full of goodies from Sam and Sofia, including an adventure letter, an activity sheet, a country-specific souvenir/toy, a photo, stickers, and access to online games.

Little Passports has been featured in Real Simple, Parents Magazine, on The Talk, and is used by celebrity moms. We are a Parents’ Choice Award Winner and iParenting Media Award Winner.

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