FREE eBook | Not Like My Mother: becoming a Sane Parent After Growing Up in a Crazy Family

Does the title of this book apply to you?  If so, you might want to check it out!  Plus, right now, Not Like My Mother: Becoming a sane parent after growing up in a CRAZY family
is FREE!

“Not Like My Mother  This book is a gift for anyone who has ever said,

“I am NOT going to raise my kids the way I was raised!!”

If you are trying to be the parent you always wanted and didn’t get, Irene will teach you why it is more effective that you be the parent your children need – not the one you needed. How to separate what belongs to your history and what belongs in your present life is some of the rich, practical advice you will take away from  Not Like My Mother.

In the early distribution of Not Like My Mother readers reported they couldn’t put the book down. It reads like a compelling novel with a human and spiritual insight that makes you feel a part of the conversation.


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